Sunday, December 18, 2011

FTF streak 12/16/11

The other day we happened to see an email  that a new geocache had been published close by so we raced to find it. We looked and looked and could not find. Eventually another geocaching couple "Race2Speed" and together we searched everywhere. WE did find it . It was up a treee, literally. Anyway this got us to thinking about this, and after a bit of geek tech stuff The phone now rings when a new geocache gets published.

A few days later we are relaxing when Phil says it is someones phone. Well, after a bit of naysaying, it turns out he was right, and Melanie says off we go!!!. W raced there and managed to find "Kandoeet" in the dark with our flashlights. We were so happy. When we go thome we realized that there was another published at the same time, but we were too tired and went to bed.

Christmas came early as by the time we got out and about to do some shopping, I noticed that no one had made a log on to the "The Golden Gate" cache and we dedided to go check it out just in case. We really assumed that someone had been out there at the crack of dawn and got it. Low and behold, we got our second F2F (First to Find for you muggles) in a row. That makes it 4 now.

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