Saturday, January 14, 2012

Getting Back in the Groove 1/13/12

After taking a couple of weeks off, due to aching knees and colds, and all other events otherwise known as life, and finally relaxing on a Friday afternoon after a tough week at work, the batphone goes off with a F2F ring. (That is First to Find for you muggles) Springing into action, we check the secret message and decode that this is actually only just over 1 mile from our house. We jumped into the GeoJeep, off we go and manage to get to the target zone in less than 10 minutes. We scampered up the hill, or rather Phil scampered up the hill.  I scamper, walk and finally crawl to the top.  We managed to sign the log a mere 17 minutes after the anouncement. What a way to get back into the groove.   Number 8 FTF!!

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